Attachment is an Illusion, Detachment shows you the reality.
The memories that start marching in a procession
before your eyes, taking your attention away, disturbing your focus are the
worst enemies. Mind plays weird games when you get attached, be it with people
or with things. Detachment is often misunderstood for being Uninterested,
whereas it actually means being Non-Possessive. You have to let go of what
could have been, how you should have acted and what you wish you would have
said differently. You have to accept that you can’t change the past
experiences, opinions of others at that moment in time or outcomes from their
choices or yours. We should learn to detach ourselves from us, thereby
achieving freedom, the inner freedom. The inner freedom lets you expect nothing
from you nor from others thereby providing Tranquility. Detach yourself and enjoy
the Reality.